Coming out to your health care provider

Tweet As we near the end of Pride Month, AdvantageCare Physicians and BronxDocs, would like to take this opportunity to explore why it’s important to come out to your health care provider. It’s your choice who you share your identity with—and your doctor’s responsibility to create a safe environment where you feel comfortable—but sharing with your doctor could give them a better understanding of the type of care you should receive. Dr. Nicole Thomas-Sealey, Vice President of Clinical Training and Education, discusses why it’s important to start the dialogue about your identity with your doctor. Dr. Thomas-Sealey is a leading voice and educator who developed cultural competency training programs to teach clinical staff how to better identify and overcome unconscious bias and how to improve communication with the communities we serve. As a physician, do you have any stories that have stood out to you that highlighted the importance of creating a safe environment for pa...