Simple Steps Can Help Older Adults Avoid Falls in the Home

Subscribe in a reader Tweet By Gladys Bayles-Panes, Occupational Therapist with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York September is National Falls Prevention Awareness Month and National Falls Prevention Week , which kicks off on the first day of Fall, is the perfect time to review a few safety tips that many of us take for granted on a daily basis. The CDC reports that one out of every four older adults has a serious fall each year, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg: One out of five falls causes serious injury like broken bones or head trauma Three million seniors are treated in emergency rooms after being injured in falls every year Over 800,000 are hospitalized after a fall, with head and hip injuries being the most common More than 95% of broken hips are the result of falls, usually by falling sideways The most common cause of traumatic brain injuries are falls In 2015, victims of falls paid more than $50 billion in medical bills As an ...