A Working People’s Agenda

Mayor Eric Adams delivers his first State of the City address at Queens Theater on Thursday, January 26, 2023. Photo by Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office By Mayor Eric Adams Community Op Ed January 30, 2023 NEW YORK - Last week, in Queens — the borough I grew up in — I reported to New Yorkers on the state of our city. I outlined what we’ve accomplished in the year since I took office, and my vision for the future. We are going to build a city for working people, one that is more affordable, safer, cleaner, and more livable. We focused on four essential pillars: jobs, safety, housing, and care. Because without a strong working class, this city cannot survive. Working people need good jobs and pathways to get those jobs. And those jobs need to be able to support a home for New Yorkers and their families. That is why we are reimagining our workforce system, connecting 30,000 New Yorkers to apprenticeships through a new Apprenticeship Accelerator. ...